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Seventh Partners' Meeting

The 7th Partners' Meeting was held in Milan on March 7-8, 2022. The meeting was focused on discussing the impact of PROMEHS experimentation on policy to plan the long-term sustainability of the project outcomes. 

The meeting has been opened by the welcome speech of dr. Alessandro Cattaneo, an Italian Parliamentarian who is involved in drafting the Law titled “Inclusion of the non-cognitive skills in school and adult education, as well as in vocational education and training paths”. The Law is aimed at including social and emotional competence and mental health education into the Italian school system. 

The first day was dedicated to sharing the key initiatives carried out by the partners targeted at the promotion of mental health among policy-makers at the local regional, national, and international levels. Furthermore, several dissemination activities to reach the academic audience and the general public have been addressed. 

The second day was dedicated to finalizing the sustainability plan. 

Opening Speech by Alessandro Cattaneo

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Universidade de Milano-Bicocca
Departamento de Ciências Humanas para a Educação “R. Massa”
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1
20126 Milão, Itália
Edifício U6, 4º andar
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